Monday 3 November 2014

2 page spreads

This 2 page spread is from a fashion magazine, for the background they have used the two colours that are most in style at the moment. On the top left corner there is a strip of professional photographs from a fashion show, all the clothes are black and white so they fit in with the theme. On the right there is a drawing of a model in black and white clothing kicking the middle of the page to make her look powerful. This two page spread looks sophisticated and the clothing look expensive which can connotote that the magazine is aimed at a higher class because you would need a lot of money to buy the magazine and the clothing within the magazine. If the magazine is aimed at a higher class then the target audience would be about 21-40, this is because this age range would be more interested in expensive fashionable clothing and would have the money to buy them.

 This 2 page spread has used celebrity endorsement, on the left it is a black and white portrait of Lady Gaga; an extremley popular singer. The right page is all writing however it has been made more interesting and eye-catching by hightlighting the letter 'L' in red through the text. The colour red could connotote love and passion, which can represent Lady Gaga's story being about her love life. In the top right corner it has her name however 'lady' is in a different font and hasnt used any capital letters. Whereas 'gaga' is all in block capitals, this could connotote how unique and different Gaga is as both words are completley different to eachother.

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